Northeast Minnesota

Tribal Organizing Update: Spotlight on AICHO

  Indigenous people not only have solutions for ourselves, but for the world at large.  ––Vicky Ybañez, American Indian Community Housing Organization founder A large part of Tribal Organizing at the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless (MCH) is centered in building strong relationships with American Indian communities and to learn more deeply about effective and […]

Duluth Community Partners: The City of Duluth Indigenous Commission

Duluth Community Partners: The City of Duluth Indigenous Commission A sense of place and belonging in community is foundational for overall stability.  At MCH, we recognize the importance of honoring the long history Indigenous people carry in connection to Minnesota as home and the valuable contributions American Indian people offer to move our communities forward. […]

Member Spotlight: Life House Helps Sexually Exploited Youth Begin a New Day

“I’m yours,” I whispered as you held me close, keeping me safe from everything crashing down in my world. “You’re mine,” you whispered as you gripped my arms painfully, showing me off to their hungry, glinting eyes. And so it begins. For many, as young as age 12-14. Boy, girl, transgender—it doesn’t matter. Sex trafficking […]

Update from Tribal Organizing: A Direction Forward

Ahneen! LeAnn Littlewolf nindizhinikaaz zhaganaashiimowin. Gaa-Zagaskwaajimekaag nindonjibaa. Ma’iingan nindoodem.  (My name in English is LeAnn Littlewolf. I come from Leech Lake. I belong to the Wolf Clan).  These were some of the first words I learned in my Anishinaabe language.  As a young woman, my language was the core piece to connect and reclaim my […]

Remarks by Senta Leff at the 2015 Annual Conference

MCH’s Executive Director’s Opening Remarks – Strength in Difference: Innovation, Inclusion, and Individuality  My name is Senta Leff. I am the brand new executive director of the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless. While we are here because of our shared commitment to ending homelessness, we each bring varied and valuable perspectives on how to accomplish […]

Tribal Organizing in Northeast Minnesota

I’m happy to share the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless launched its Northeast tribal organizing work this summer. American Indians in Minnesota are persistently over-represented in homeless counts, only 1% of the state population yet 11% of the homeless adult population and 20% of the homeless youth population.  (Here’s a link to the Wilder Research […]