Every year, the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless hosts Homeless Day on the Hill at the State Capitol. Hundreds of community members convene for a day of advocacy, meetings with lawmakers (scheduled by MCH), committee hearings, stories of impact and more. In 2025, we are partnering with Homes for All, a statewide coalition to create policies and resources to prevent and end homelessness, to ensure we represent the full continuum of housing at the Capitol. We know where we live impacts everything; please join us this year as we continue to grow our statewide presence with lawmakers and ensure that everyone has a safe and dignified place to call home.
You’re invited to join us for Homeless Day on the Hill! Registration is open here.

MCH will attempt to schedule visits with lawmakers based on legislative districts. Register by end-of-day on Friday, February 21, 2025 to ensure we have time to schedule a visit. Legislative visits are subject to lawmaker availability.