
What’s At Stake Without a Bonding Bill

On June 14, 2016, the Capital Investment Conference Committee heard public testimony on Minnesota’s bonding bill. Weeks after the legislative biennium ended, a special session still hasn’t been called and a bonding bill still hasn’t passed. Investments in bonds for affordable housing would serve 3,500 low-income households across local communities in Minnesota. MCH policy director, […]

ACTION ALERT: Ask legislators to VOTE YES!

Both the Senate and House released their bonding proposals. The bill may head to the House Floor as soon as Friday. Can you make three phone calls now? ***Action Alert*** 1. Call your state senator and state representative ASAP. Ask them to VOTE YES on the bonding bill and to support $100 million in bonds for housing. Find who represents you. 2. […]

*Building* Support: Letters to the Editor

As the first phase of the legislation session wraps up, lawmakers are hunkering down. In the coming weeks, they will be decide what to include in the final bonding bill package. Sending a letter to the editor is an effective way keep housing on lawmakers’ radar and raise awareness among the general public. We know […]