8:00 am | Registration Opens
9:00 am | Program and Training
Location: Central Presbyterian Church – 500 Cedar St, St Paul, MN 55101
10:00 am – 3:00 pm | Advocacy
Location: State Capitol – 75 Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard., St Paul, MN 55155

Homeless Day on the Hill is a day of advocacy. Together, hundreds of Minnesotans gather and talk with their lawmakers about the need for more safe and affordable housing across the state. After you register (click here to register) MCH will schedule your lawmaker visits. We will lead a training (at 9am on 3/11 @ Central Presbyterian Church) that will prepare you and other community members from your district to have a conversation with your lawmaker. There is typically a hearing around one item on the MCH Legislative Agenda and a press conference. We have a room reserved where advocates network, play games and use social media while waiting for their lawmaker meetings.
Training: Central Presbyterian Church | 500 Cedar Street St. Paul, MN 55101
Advocacy: Minnesota State Capitol | 75 Rev. Martin Luther King Drive St. Paul, MN 55101
Sumaya Hassan at 651-645-7332 | sumaya@mnhomelesscoalition.org