Hi all,
Friday is here – are you ready for the MCH update?
Homes for All Bills
New legislators sign on to our bills everyday! Below I’ve laid out the progress of our bills, which committee they are in, and their bill numbers. Click on the hyperlinks below for a thrilling ride into the lives of our 2018 Legislative Agenda.
Bonding Bills: $140 million in bonds for housing; $110M Housing Infrastructure Bonds (HIB) & $30M General Obligation Bonds (GO) with senior and manufactured housing as new eligible uses:
Minnesota Housing Finance Appropriation Request – $6 million
Health and Human Services Appropriation Request – $4 million
Workforce Homeownership Program (WHOM)
Photo by Scott Streble
This is Medicaid (TIM)
Perhaps you have heard about a new work requirement proposal for Medicaid recipients at the Minnesota legislature? In case you haven’t, This is Medicaid (TIM) is currently responding to
House File 3722 and
Senate File 3219 which directs the MN Department of Human Services to apply for a federal waiver establishing work requirements as a condition of receiving health coverage for low-income adults receiving health care through Medical Assistance, Minnesota’s
Medicaid program. While work
is a shared and worthy goal,
this proposal would create a costly and complicated new system with unintended consequences for state and local government, health and mental health care providers, and low-income Minnesotans.
If you would like to read and/or sign unto a letter drafted by TIM,
click here. If you have questions or need more information please reach out to Patrick Ness: patrick.ness@wilder.org.
What is the Renter’s Credit?
The Renters’ Credit refunds a portion of the property taxes that renters have paid through their rents. Homeowners experience similar benefits from the “circuit breaker” which limits how big a piece of Minnesotans’ family budgets can go to property taxes. About 328,000 Minnesota households received the Renters’ Credit in 2015. More than one-quarter of these households included seniors or people with disabilities with seniors and people with disabilities, making up at least one-half of all households receiving the Renters’ Credit. About 70 percent of households receiving the Renters’ Credit have incomes roughly $31,000 or less. Needless to say, the Renter’s Credit is a valuable resource which many low-income families find helpful and use to supplement fundamental needs of their families.
Minnesota Budget Project is leading efforts to protect this valuable resource this session. There will be ways to help elevate our collective advocacy efforts. Be on the lookout!

Photo by Scott Streble
Governor Dayton’s State of the State and Supplemental Budget
Governor Dayton’s final budget request was released today at 10:30 AM. Governor Dayton included $4 million for 2019 and an increase to $8 million per biennium in ongoing funding for Homework Starts with Home in his budget request! Review the request here and find Homework Starts with Home on page 14. We’ll keep you posted on our next steps moving forward!
Photo by Paul Battaglia with Session Daily
Thanks again for another great week!