Emergency shelters are the starting point to long-term stability. As we approach Conference Committee decisions and deadlines, we need Governor Walz to fight for the inclusion of dollars for supportive services like the Emergency Services Program (ESP) in final negotiations. Find a script to guide your calls below and let matt@mnhomelesscoalition.org know you’ve called or emailed Governor Walz!
Goal: Please call and/or email Governor Walz urging him to prioritize the inclusion of dollars for homeless supportive services like the Emergency Services Program
Date: Wednesday 05/01/2019
Time: All day!
Contact Information:
Who: Governor Walz
Phone Number: 651-201-3400
Email: Here is the link to send a message — https://mn.gov/governor/ contact/
Please let matt@mnhomelesscoalition.org know when you’ve made your call/email.
Script to guide your calls:
“Hi, Governor Walz,
My name is [your name] and I live in [your county/city/district].Thank you for prioritizing affordable housing! As you know, homelessness is a statewide issue that needs statewide solutions. We need to push the full housing continuum from homeless supportive services to affordable home ownership. Supportive services are designed to build independent living and skills and connect people with community-based health care, treatment, and employment services. We’re counting on you to fight for the inclusion of dollars for supportive services like the Emergency Services Program. Emergency shelters are the starting point to long-term stability. Thank you!”
Please let Matt@mnhomelesscoalition.org know when you’ve made your two calls.

THANK YOU for your advocacy!!
We can’t do our work without you.